Last week's food pantry (4/4) at Redland Grange #796 was packed and we were so stoked to be able to help so many awesome folks! The food pantry is so busy because we have the phenomenal Carol on our side! She is working so hard to find more organizations to donate (like the variety of tea this week) so we can keep this up!
Many, many thanks, Carol!
We shopped for 406 people today! WOW!
That 406 comprises 144 families, 123 kids, 160 seniors, and 57 veterans!
Let's do it all again next week! See ya there!
As always, we need to send a big shout-out to the Clackamas Service Center and the Oregon Food Bank for being phenomenal community partners!
#loveonecommunity #redlandgrange796 #FoodPantry #nonprofit #loveone #feedthepeople #community #loveoneoc #teamwork #oregonfoodbank #clackamasservicecenter