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Milwaukie South - June

We had such a great time at laundry on Wednesday! It was busy - maybe the busiest event we’ve had - and still we were able to connect with and provide laundry (thank you Earth Breeze!), hygiene supplies and a meal to 78 neighbors. Our stellar team of volunteers was ready to help and did an amazing job. We can’t emphasize enough how much we love and appreciate our volunteers!

Our phenomenal partner Stephanie of Milwaukie Lutheran Church and Karen and Darin brought their clothing trailer and helped folks shop for clothing. Providence BOB outreach workers Alex and Bryson brought pizza, helped run check in, and met with neighbors. Pastor Sara of Storyline Community and her kiddo W ran hand washing and W even provided moral support (in the form of gummy worms) to our Executive Director.

We met Max, a beloved doggo sporting a pair of stylish sunglasses. We also watched YouTube videos filmed by our neighbors and played hacky sack (but not at the same time!) and celebrated the news that one of our neighbors is moving into an apartment!

We have a long list of folks who are in the motel/hotel transitional shelter program busy applying for long term living situations, and another long list of folks who are hoping for the opportunity to enter the program. A special thank you to the team from The Father’s Heart for coming by to talk with neighbors about changes to the transitional shelter program.

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